Larry L

CRank: 5Score: 28430

For anyone like myself who was worried if maybe DriveClub's "gameplay" (by which someone would mean in terms of racing games, feel, handling.....basically how responsive steering is, generally with a controller, for the majority of console racing gamers.....Gran Turismo being a 10, Shift 2 for example being about a 2) is actually good or not since Sony/Evo still haven't released the Plus version yet.......fear's great. Better than what people tend to explain ...

3440d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

Was there never another example of a female Cid? I've played all but 2 of the main FFs, but I'm not expert in any of them in terms of stuff to know, I hardly even remember most of the stories aside from my personal favs. So I'm probably off here, but I seem to have some recolection of a female Cid in a previous game. No?

3453d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Right on the head, Average. Unfortunately these politically correct naz.....well......I guess North Koreans would be a more up to date reference.......trying to control how everyone else thinks, talks and acts is absolutely destroying freedoms left and right. I'm SOOOOOO sick of it.

The funny part is, these thought police control freaks are even sick of being thought police control freaks......and they all know their beliefs are straight out morally WRONG. And we got the ...

3453d ago 6 agree6 disagreeView comment

I thought the same thing when I had only seen stills. I was a bit shocked seeing pics when they were leaked because every numbered SF was a huge change/eveolution for the series, and SF5 "looks" just like SF4.....prettier, but still....SF4. So what Ii thought was Sony (who I love BTW), just said to Capcom "hey, while you're thinking up the real next SF, why don't you whip us up a PS4 exclusive version of SF4 with a couple upgrades, but do us a favor and call it SF5.&quo...

3459d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Really? You saw a "polished".....welll ......anything in this gameplay reveal? I saw just the opposite. What I saw was something VERY early into development. I think they've got all the ideas of where they want to go, but what they showed off was basically the one most complete level and two most complete characters they have so far.

I assume the characters were a bit further along than the level, but the characters did not look complete at all either, in fact t...

3459d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

I hope you guys played Evolution's previous games, specifically Motorstorm 1 and 2. If you guys love really aggressive AI, you would have been in HEAVEN. Those guys were just straight out homicidal maniacs at the higher level races. CRAZY!! It was frustrating, but I loved it and it went with the setting of the games perfectly. They are the only 2 racing games that I could keep playing offline with the AI and still have a challenge after having mastered the game. Most racers I HAVE to race...

3460d ago 14 agree0 disagreeView comment

if you admittedly aren't a racing game fan, how exactly would you know what developers should focus on to give racing game fans what they want? No offense (or offence depending on what side of the Atlantic you're from), but you have no clue.

Graphics and physics and DETAILS are exactly what the real racing game fans want. Because there are no more revolutions to make in the genre at this point. In Arcade racers, you can do all kinds of things, but when a game develop...

3460d ago 22 agree5 disagreeView comment

He's talking about Exotic shards. Since he has many exotics, he can break down duplicates and pieces he just doesn't want for exotic shards without having to spend his vast fortune of strange coins (which I'm extremely jealous of, I've got like 10) just to buy the exotic shards. And he's got plenty to buy the few he may need.

But here's a tip, since you don't know. You pretty much have always been able to buy ascendant shards and energy. You spend ...

3461d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's funny to me that the latest Destiny update/changes seem to upset you so much you want to get rid of the game, yet those same changes stopped me from trading in the game literally the next day, because I was decided I was done with this game which made me feel like an hour or two of playing got me nowhere.

Now I think I'm getting better stuff more often, and that stuff is now much more affordable to upgrade. ANd Ii also really like the Exotic trade in program. For...

3461d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

When they first changed exotics, I would have agreed. But now having time to think about it and digest it (which is something I tend to do before making comments about stuff), I actually really like the change to Exotics. Bbecause they're actually easier to upgrade now not having to spend ascendant shards and energy. I havn't upgraded the last tree on any of my exotics for that reason. Ascendant mats were so hard to come by for me. Now I can upgrade my Exotics further without feeling ...

3467d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

Change your name. Stan Lee brings fun and good times to all. You're not fun.

3475d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

To hear someone say they liked DA2 more than Origins is pretty mind-blowing to me personally. But I liked DA2 as well. Origins to me was a perfect 10/10. It was an absolute materpiece, even on consoles. Even better on PC with the option of isometric view. Everything from visuals, to effects, to environments, enemies, progression, relationships, every aspect of the writing. All incredible and far outshined the few things that weren't great about the game like the smaller areas, even thoug...

3490d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

WHOA!!! LOL relax. You and the other guy jumped right on that, eh? I've never been much of an archer guy. But I've played them specifically in DA:O. On easier 9;s not hard, but still tedious early on due to the low amount of damage you're doing with each hit. And even on harder settings, archers in DAO were very powerful feeling if they're fully leveled up. But remember, I'm specifically saying he started a brand new game, on MAX difficulty, ...

3494d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

This is not just going tp be good for hardcore fans of the DA universe, but it also looks good for the hardcore rpg fans who like deeply challenging and tactical experiences in general. Origins was pretty good but even on Nightmare I no-partied the Archdemon with my admitedly God-Level Arcane Warrior/Bloodmage. Still challenging tho, I just mastered the game. Inquisition looks MUCH harder if you are a gamer who wants the challenge.

Just this morning i was watching the angry j...

3494d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

What don't you get? It's pretty clear. Open up your iPod, create a folder in the main directory called MUSIC in all capital letters, put mp3s in that foler, unplug iPod from PC and plug into PS4.

3505d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Hhave either of you actually hooked your Vita up to a PC, created a folder on the memory card called "MUSIC" and tried? I don't see why that wouldn't work, though I havn't tried to know. Vita could very well use a more complicated file system than say PSP did. I've never looked at my Vita's memory on a PC to know. I bet a PSP would work though, or any USB stick formated by a PS3, because both of those file systems have a "MUSIC" folder right in the main...

3505d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

NEITHER of these two games are "The King of Racers". Neither are even in that conversation for anyone who knows racing games. Neither are even the "kings" of arcade racers. The king of racers, especially on consoles, is still Gran Turismo. Even with the unfullfilled promises of GT6, it's still above and beyond everything else in terms of handling, physics and content. And while graphics are no longer one of GT's advantages over competitors thanks to next gen hardwa...

3524d ago 8 agree25 disagreeView comment

@ thekhurg

I couldn't disagree more. I was shocked to hear the news BioWare was shooting for parity on PS4. Because even last gen, when MS's stanglehold on developer's souls (hyperbole) with their contracts requiring parity or superior 360 over PS3 graphics AND content, forced exclusivity to indies on Live and the list goes on, we all know the stories at this point...........BioWare was one of the devs that said screw to MS on that. To the degree they could, BW to...

3524d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

@kneon - He said leveled, not upgraded. From what I've read and noticed myelf as well so I think people are right......when equipment has been leveled up, not even actually upgraded, you get more glimmer and materials for dismantling. I don't think it's some kind of game changer in any way. But if you're someone getting lots of bounties anyway, and you have some stuff in your inventory that's going to be broken down, if you don't mind spending the little extra time swi...

3529d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@98 At this point, what's "next gen" about any game aside from graphics? Other than the upcoming VR headsets and the VR experiences to go along with the tech, there really are no more innovations to be made that I can see. Everything's been done in just about every genre. Even story-wise.......there's not much left to innovate. Gaming and really even movies and books, it's all pretty much come down to mixing and matching things that has already been done in hopefull...

3535d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment